>> 27.05.2021
livestream on Facebook and Arcfordancefestival.gr
Marianna Kavallieratos

Photo © Christina_Georgiadou
‘Ever After’ began as a reflection on the concept, experience and history of death through the medium of dance – the dance macabre of the late medieval allegorical iconography; dance in Pieter Bruegel’s paintings; the post-mortem dance lament in romantic ballet; the slow death in the dashed hopes of modernist utopias; its dark memory in the aftermath of the end to grand narratives.
Marianna Kavallieratos
Anastassios Koukoutas
Georgos Poilios
Stage Design:
Poulcheria Tzova
Costume Design:
Konstantina Mardiki
Lighting Design:
Eliza Alexandropoulou
Lighting Design Assistant:
Tzanos Mazis
Assistant Choreographer:
Aspasia Maria Alexiou
Alina Lefa
Production Coordinator:
Maria Vasariotou
Gabriela Antonopoulou, Alexandros Vardaxoglou, Aris Papadopoulos, Ioanna Toubakari
Production management:
Delta Pi
With financial support from the Ministry of Culture and Sports.
As choreographer Marianna Kavallieratos notes: “In every attempt to capture the ‘after’, we keep coming back to the ‘before’ that explains the asymmetry between present experience and future expectation. We perceive ‘ever after’ as a metaphor for what never becomes known after the end of a piece’s life.” The very process of creating the piece, the rehearsals, the revisions, the small gestures that were excluded from the performance but included in the memories, the successive choices – all of these elements brought ‘Ever After’ to life gradually, through an arguably paradoxical but also redemptive process.
‘Ever After’ will premier at the 14th edition of the ARC for Dance Festival. Τhis international Festival of Contemporary Dance in Athens has been organized since 2008 by the non-profit arts DAN.C.CE Unitiva. The festival aims to broaden the contribution of Greek artists in the global discourse on dance by facilitating their participation in international networks and inviting to Greece dance professionals, programmers and specialists from around the world.
Marianna Kavallieratos studied dance and choreography at The Place - London Contemporary Dance School and continued her studies, with an Onassis Foundation scholarship, at SUNY Purchase (New York). In 1992, she began collaborating with director and visual artist Robert Wilson, at the Watermill Center (New York), performing in productions such as T.S. Eliot, Persephone and Prometheus. Her choreographic projects include the productions Stations, Recalculate, DEATH and many others. In the context of the project As One (Benaki
Museum), that was staged in Athens by the Marina Abramovic Institute and the contemporary arts non-profit NEON, she presented her feature performance ‘Skin’.
More recently, she has appeared with the in situ project ‘Stream’, which was presented in the Arsaki Arcade in Athens, as part of the public art project Removement Athens. Alongside her artistic work, she has taught contemporary dance and choreography at the Greek National School of Dance, at several drama schools and at Robert Wilson’s The Watermill Center in New York.