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>> 27.01 – 28.01.2023

PLYFA Industrial Park

Eva Giannakopoulou 

Photo © Eva Giannakopoulou 

After a series of residencies in Greece, Portugal and Italy, Eva Giannakopoulou is gearing up for the staging of Ichthyolatry – a hybrid performance about femininity, fluids and fish, resulting from her collaboration with various women’s communities in Southern Europe. The mix of dance, theatre, spoken word and performance art will be performed at the PLYFA industrial park in January 2023.

Direction and original concept:
Eva Giannakopoulou


Creative team/Artistic community: Marianita Karakosta, Eva Koliopantou, Maroula Papanastasi and Evgenia Vacalopoulou.

Eva Giannakopoulou, Marianita Karakosta, Eva Koliopantou, Maroula Papanastasi and Evgenia Vacalopoulou.


Lighting design:
Nyssos Vasilopoulos


Sound design:
Pedro Pascoal


Costumes Design:
Eva Giannakopoulou


Costumes Construction:
Eva Giannakopoulou, Marianita Karakosta, Eva Koliopantou, Maroula Papanastasi and Evgenia Vacalopoulou.


Eva Giannakopoulou, Marianita Karakosta, Eva Koliopantou, Maroula Papanastasi and Evgenia Vacalopoulou.


Performing on stage:
Marianita Karakosta, Eva Koliopantou, Maroula Papanastasi and Evgenia Vacalopoulou.


Production management:
Delta Pi




When: January 27-28

Where: PLYFA industrial park

Tickets:  Sold out | HERE


In her book ‘Bodies of Water’ (2017), theorist Astrida Neimanis invented the concept of hydrofeminism, proposing new and unexpected feminist perspectives. According the concept, water, femininities, embodied practices and ecology are interconnected, creating ‘new’ synergies. Could fluidity and waters in constant flux create a ‘different’ ecological, politic and poetic consciousness through a fluid, feminist lens? If water is the element from which all organisms derive, how could we possibly return to this remote state of existence, abolishing the limits between evolution, genes, history, culture and nature? 


The answer to these questions could possibly ‘bridge the gap’ between past, present and future, humans and no humans, jellyfish and dogs. As we experience pandemics, wars, ecological catastrophe and energy crises, post-humanism and water can be ethical conditions that encourage us to think outside of the interests of our own species, to be less narcissistic in our conception of the world, and to take the interests and rights of things that are different to us seriously. Such an endeavor connecting Piraeus (GR), Torres Vedras (PT) and Mondaino (IT) through ‘water paths and water ethics’, proved to be a useful attempt for experimenting with local communities, research and water. 


Ichthyolatry is a hybrid confessional performance on elderly, floods, fluids and menopause. Based on community research in rivers, lakes, phreatic zones and female groups, the performance delves into an immersive universe of affective underwater alliances. The eccentric creatures of Ichthyolatry -a warrior, a post-human creature, a female phenomenon and a fish- will inhabit the stage of the Piraeus Municipal Theater for taking a dive in an oneiric ocean of fluid possibilities. Are you ready to swim?  


Icthyolatry is a Tandem co-production by PCAI (GRC), Artemrede (PT), in collaboration with Torres Vedras Municipality, and L’arboreto (IT), in the scope of the project “Stronger Peripheries: A Southern Coalition”, co-funded by the Creative Europe

programme of the European Union.
The project was collectively created through a two-month intensive lab. The director and the creative community jointly developed the dramaturgy and the texts, in such a way that the content is an intellectual co-creation of all participants.




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